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Baby massage course


15, 22, 29 October and 5 November


Løkkeveien 40, Fleksibel yoga studio


Start at 10:00

​The gatherings will take approximately one hour,

of we spend about 40 minutes on the massage.


1500 kr


Four baby massage classes, a cup of tea, massage oil (organic and safe!) and a (digital) hand-out with massage techniques.

baby massage.png

Baby massage can create an embodied connection between you and your baby. It includes the most critical elements of bonding: eye to eye contact, skin to skin contact, soothing sounds, smiling, cuddling, smelling and hearing each other.


The benefits* of baby massage are endless, including for example stimulation of baby's immune system, reduced cortisol and increased oxytocin production in both baby and parent, it helps remove gas and stimulates digestion, increases parent's confidence, promotes relaxation, can improve sleep, and more. 


In four weeks you learn massage techniques that are easy to repeat at home, in a cosy and relaxing setting. 


What you will learn:

  • Different massage techniques, including techniques that promote digestion or enhance sleep

  • Practice these techniques to be able to provide your baby a full body massage or a quicker partial massage

  • Soothing rocking movements and more active stimulating movements you can help your baby to make

  • Simple but essential steps to take before you start the actual massage

  • What to considering when you choose your massage oil (parfum-free, organic massage oil is included in the course)

  • Simple mindfulness exercises that help you stay present during the massage


Dates for the upcoming course are Tuesday 15, 22, 29 October and 5 November at 10:00. For registration click here.


* Many benefits of baby massage are evidence based, but that does not mean you and your baby will experience all of these benefits.


You will receive a VIPPS request upon registration. We will keep the group limited to 10 participants + babies. 

Thanks for registering!

Practical info
The baby massage course will take place in a shoe-free area. Warm socks recommended.
The course will be in English, mixed with Norwegian when this suits the group.
Zone parking is available.
We start at 10:00. The whole gathering takes approximately one hour, but generally babies don't like to be massaged for much longer then 40 min, so we won't massage the full hour.  
There is not a minimum or maximum age applicable for baby massage.
The maximum amount of participants is 10 parents with babies.
The course fee is non-refundable. If you are unable to attend, it is allowed to give your spot to a friend (pls inform me).
​Feel free to contact me if you have any questions!


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